Training is a complex system created by the interaction of various elements. The training method is one of the most important concepts of the training process realized according to the system. Changes in the content of the training make it necessary to update the training methods. Also, social changes, serious innovations in science and technology have led to a different view of the traditional methods applied for many years. In the 1970s, the results of the research conducted in the Soviet pedagogical science related to the problem were presented for discussion. Classifications developed by both general pedagogical and special methodologies, the system of training methods have caused a great discussion. Since the late 1990s, active training methods and their classification issues have not been met unambiguously in our country. In the article, attention was drawn to this aspect of the issue, and more focus was placed on the classification of literature teaching methods. While grouping the training methods, the peculiarity of the literature subject was taken into account, and the main stages of the training were brought to the fore.