The article investigated the practices of implementing teacher professional standards in different countries and their impact on the education system. Among the countries analyzed are the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Russia, Finland, and Canada. The purpose and application methods of each country’s standards were reviewed, and their impact on the quality of education and the professional development of teachers was noted. Thus, the positive effect of InTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) and NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards) standards on teacher professional development and the teaching process in the United States, the improvement of teacher performance and the quality of education in the United Kingdom, the professional standards developed by AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) in Australia to ensure the continuous professional development of teachers, and the standards of the teaching profession to improve the quality of teaching, and the professional competence of teachers in China and Russia were highlighted as successful practices. In general, the study of the practice of the countries focused on the essence of teachers’ professional standards, their impact on teacher performance, and the methods used to improve both the professional development of teachers and the quality of education. In particular, the specific characteristics of each country’s standards and the positive results achieved through these standards were considered. The article emphasized that these practices could be advantageous for the Azerbaijani education system and explored the possibilities of their application to improve the quality of education. The study and application of these countries’ practices can make a significant contribution to the professional development of Azerbaijani teachers and the improvement of student achievements.