In the 80s of the XIX century, very important events took place in the public life of city Iravan. Iravan Teacher’s Seminary was opened on November 8, 1881. And this seminary, which went down to Azerbaijan history, was established according to the decision on October 20, 1880 of the Russian Empire State Council. On the other hand, Iravan Teachers’ Seminary had played an important role on teachers training for Azerbaijani schools. Along with the hatred against Azerbaijanis in the Republic of Armenia established in 1918 in the historical lands of Azerbaijan, the genocide committed by Armenian armed groups against Azerbaijanis in Western Azerbaijan, including Iravan, the Iravan Teachers’ Seminary was also attacked. Two months after the Dashnaks came to power, on August 6, 1918, the seminary was closed. During its 37 years of activity, the Iravan Teachers’ Seminary has had a special service in the history of Azerbaijani school and pedagogical thought, and the educational institution has honorably fulfilled its duty.